You may think you do, but unless you track it, do you really? I have found that once you start tracking your business leads by source, you often find trends that you didn’t expect. By knowing where your business is coming from you can focus your time on what’s producing the greatest ROI, allowing you to work smarter not harder.
When you’re tracking referrals, it’s important to differentiate the types of professionals that are referring to you. Are the referrals coming from attorneys, CPAs, or current clients? If you’re an attorney for example you may think your referrals are coming from CPAs but might find more of your referrals are coming from attorneys who specialize in different practice areas than you. Having the actual data will give you the information you need so you know where to focus your business development time.
If you don’t have a robust CRM system, don’t let that deter you from tracking where your inbound leads are coming from. The important part is that you get started. If you’re just beginning to track this, you can simply track inbound leads in an excel sheet. If you choose to implement a CRM system down the road you will be able to export the information you gathered into your CRM system.
Know where your business is coming from and focus your time where it matters most.