Keeping your marketing consistent if you are in the professional services industry, working as an attorney, CPA, or financial advisor can be challenging.
If you are a local firm, your number one priority is keeping your clients happy by doing good work for them, usually followed by running your operations.
If you’re anything like me (and if you are a professional, that is highly likely), your clients and their projects always take priority over your own, which means marketing can get pushed to the side.
Without marketing, your business will stagnate and not grow as quickly as it should. To keep your business healthy, you need marketing to attract new clients.
So, what is the answer to keeping your marketing consistent?
- Create processes and front-load your marketing efforts so that the content is ready upfront and ready for implementation for a few months so you can prepare it and forget about it for a little while.
- Hire a fractional marketing professional (such as myself) that will keep your marketing efforts moving forward. Hiring someone like me gives you years of experience with high-quality marketing strategies much more cost-effectively. You likely don’t need a full-time marketing professional if you are a small firm. You will gain much more from an experienced professional on a fractional basis.
So, what does a consistent marketing strategy entail if you are a local firm? Start your marketing strategy by
#1 Writing on your blog once a month
#2 Posting original content on LinkedIn once a week
#3 Sending out an email blast to your clients once a month
These initiatives aren’t rocket science, but the science behind them is consistency. Consistently keeping in front of your target market with thought leadership content will keep you ahead of the game.
Once you’ve mastered these three marketing strategies, you can start adding more bells and whistles to your marketing strategy, but this is a great place to start.